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The purpose of HT Kinetics Software is to quickly estimate the heat treatment parameters or simulate issues meet in practice in order to quantify and compare the results with known parameters.
The choice of the Apparent Activation Energy is one of the most important steps in order to obtain accurate results. Data can be found in the literature for different models, which can be a starting point for a rough estimation. If accurate data is needed, a value obtained with the same model could significantly change the accuracy of the result. The thermo-mechanical history of the material could also have an important role.
In the same time the choice of very different target temperatures compared to initial values, as described below, can result in erroneous results.
Whatever the result (time, temperature or heating rate), before any use of target parameters it is highly recommended to analyse the data before any use. Firstly, initial parameters must be representative for known material properties. If this is true the target parameters could be reconsidered. Few examples are given below :
- the isothermal calculated time is much higher than initial - the temperature could be too low and the heat treatment could not be very efficient. The contrary also can be an issue, if the time is too low, a higher temperature could hide an erroneous result as the apparent activation energy could not be representative for the target temperature;
- a too low calculated heating ramp rate (calculate the time needed for the heating ramp) - could be the result of too low End Temperature or too high Start Temperature ;
- the calculated Ramp End Temperature is much higher than the initial - as before the activation energy could not be representative for all the temperature interval.
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